Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Role Of Gender And Career Choice - 978 Words

TITLE ABHISHAKE SHARMA STUDENT ID: 1687816 PRATICAL: 9 DRAFT: 1 APRIL 11, 2015 RESEARCH ESSAY (THE ROLE OF GENDER IN CAREER CHOICE) THE ROLE OF GENDER IN CARRIER CHOICE Career choice is the selection of path by males or females in order to gain success in their life.The selection of a profession is often done by parental guidance, vocational counselling and training opportunities. There is a cultural belief that gender plays an important role in the option of occupation and one question occurs on this idea that among men and women who is good at the entrepreneur level. Women are better than men at the top positions and there are various reasons to prove that females are capable to get good field in their life. Women have very sharp brain in the field of medical science and technology; they succeed more than men in math and science courses which make them easy get a top position in the companies Women prefer to select math and science arena after high school and achieve high grades, which help them greatly in their future scope. Moreover, the confidence level of women is very high and they get positive reinforcement from role models and mentors aft er graduation, which helps them to solve the technical issues in companies (Jacobs, 2005). Furthermore, according to National Science Foundation (NSF) women are extremely representative in senior academic ranks such as professor, dean and director of the institute within science, technology, engineering as well asShow MoreRelated Gender Inequality: Sex Discrimination in Employment Essay1617 Words   |  7 Pages Gender equality is about equal opportunity for men and women to identify their individual potential. 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